Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2013

[AMA] MMA TeamLiquid Project

Hi everyone,

with MMA being in Germany we had the awesome chance to do a AMA with him. The questions he got asked, were of course the questions you posted in the TeamLiquid Thread. He answered as many questions as possible, so don't be sad if you didn't get an answer. Always keep in mind he is very busy :P
Anyway, a few of you were lucky. Thanks to everyone who participated! And special thanks to inuh for helping, translating and being so quick :)

Here is the AMA:

Kollin, UK: What do you think your chances of getting to the WCS Global Finals are?
MMA: I think my chances are pretty good when i win my group in the Ro16.

Ikeuchi, Singapore: What are his thoughts on TvP and TvT in HoTs as compared to WoL?
MMA: In fact many Progamer friends who play Protoss are telling me that PvT got much easier than in WoL. (laughs) In TvT mech play got even stronger than in WoL.

NKB, UK: How are you enjoying staying and practicing in the Acer house in europe?
MMA: I love the countryside and the nature here in Bad Toelz. The Acer house is awesome too it is a perfect environment to train and also relax.

DJ Helium, Sweden: How do you usually practice?
MMA: I think the most important thing when you practise is to control your mind and focus while playing. It's really a waste of time when you just play without really thinking about the game your builds and strategies.

Aviator116, USA: Do you plan on streaming regulary soon?
MMA: Actually im planning to stream after the WCS back in Korea!

Bagration, USA: Which tournament win was most meaningful to you?
MMA: GSL Annaheim was the most meaningful one for me. The huge crowd, environment ,everything was just amazing.

Koesader, Netherlands: What's your rivalry with Ryung like? 
And who's your favourite terran player right now?
MMA: Ryung is actually a really good friend of mine so there is no real rivalry between us. I don't really have a favourite terran player at the moment (or can i say mma?).

Forte11, Germany: What do you do when you feel stuck on certain level and the game stops being fun to you? How do you motivate yourself?
MMA: I think its important that you take little breaks inbetween your training schedule and balance your lifestyle so that you dont get a burnout. At the moment i try to balance it with by doing sports like playing soccer with friends (I am a big soccer fan). So if you feel stuck instead of forcing yourself to invest more time into the game and try harder take a break and do something else.

Whitewing, USA: Which former SlayerS Terran do you view the most as a rival? 
Taeja, Ganzi, Ryung or Clide?
MMA: I don't have any real rivalry to any of them but I can say that Taeja and Ryung are the strongest ones.

IIIH, unkown: What kind of girls do you like?
MMA: I like girls who are wise, clever and kind.

Shi15ya, USA: What do you think is the most important aspect of playing Terran?
MMA: Using the Mule!

Tokinho, USA: At IPL4 as well you spent a lot of time with puma.
Do you practice regularly with Puma now that he is no longer with EG?

MMA: Once in a while when he comes to Seoul (he lives pretty far away) i meet him but unfortunately we dont play any games anymore.

Cheerful, Germany: Do you still play Brood War from time to time?

Not at all. I actually tried it once but the interface is so different that I hardly can send my workers to mine (laughs)

I hope you enjoyed the AMA!
I would be happy if you contact me via Twitter and tell me which Players you want to be interviewed next!
Here is my twitter Account: Janine's Twitter

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