Samstag, 11. Mai 2013

What is Project 9?

Hi everyone!

I returned to the StarCraft Scene with an idea I want to share with you!
You know I have always loved to work with the Community, and to give the Fans the chance to get closer to their Idols. That is why I decided to create "Project 9".
Under this Name, I will create tons of Projects together with you, where we can Interview Progamers  together, do Streams together and discuss anything about and around the StarCraft world.

The most important thing for me is, that you, the Fans, the Community can decide with me and the Project 9 Team together which Projects we want to create. Like I will ask you which Player you want to be interviewed, or  give you different Topics where you can choose what you want to discuss about.

Since I work in eSports for so many years already and I do not have any problems accessing Players or Tournaments, I also can do coverages for you and show you a lot of "behind the scenes" stuff.

Furthermore I have rented an Apartment which will be turned into a SC2 Apartment. From there I want to stream, do shows and invite Players.

You have awesomely supported me with all Projects I have done before, and I hope you will do it with Project 9 too! You can contact me anytime at twitter, if you have any suggestions or anything you wish to talk about.

At the moment there is a AMA with MMA running which you can join here:
[AMA] MMA Project
This should be the start for Project 9!

Running Projects:
[AMA] MMA Project
Jaedong Facebook Fanclub
Lee Jaedong Network
Stork Facebook Fanclub

Old Projects:
Jaedong: Messages from the World
A Zergling for Jaedong
NaDa: Letters for you

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